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Universal block

A "Universal block" is a way to save basic elements for reuse. For example, if you use a header or footer in all email templates, you can save it to avoid starting from scratch for each new email.

There are two usage options:

Edit in all instances:

If you want your edits to reflect in every template that includes that content, choose this option.

If you want edits to apply only to the template you are currently editing, choose this option.


Check here


universalElementSetting?: {
elements: Record<string, Element>;
list: Array<{
label: string;
elements: Array<{
element: Element;
thumbnail: string;
onAddElement: (params: {
name: string;
element: Element;
thumbnail: Blob;
}) => Promise<Element>;

onUpdateElement: (params: {
uid: string;
element: Element;
thumbnail: Blob;
}) => Promise<any>;