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Overwrite component

To facilitate users in customizing their components and functionalities, we have exported a significant number of components, mainly divided into three major blocks:

  • SharedComponents mainly consists of some common blocks and components.

    const SharedComponents = {
    PreviewEmailDrawer: PreviewEmailDrawer,
    PreviewEmail: PreviewEmail,
    BlockSideBar: BlockSideBar,
    ConfigurationSideBar: ConfigurationSideBar,
    AttributePanel: AttributePanel,
    ColumnLayout: ColumnLayout,
    ConfigurationDrawer: ConfigurationDrawer,
    ConfigurationPanel: ConfigurationPanel,
    EditorTabs: EditorTabs,
    UniversalElementEditorDrawer: UniversalElementEditorDrawer,
    RichTextBar: RichTextBar,
    HoveringToolbar: HoveringToolbar,
    Hotkeys: Hotkeys,
    Controller: Controller,
    UnsplashImages: UnsplashImages,
    WidgetConfigPanel: WidgetConfigPanel,
    FullHeightOverlayScrollbars: FullHeightOverlayScrollbars,
  • AttributePanel primarily comprises form components. For example, if you want to change the font size field from an input to a slider, you can achieve this by overriding AttributePanel.FontSize.

    const AttributeField = {
    WatchField: WatchField,
    SyncChildrenField: SyncChildrenField,
    TextField: TextField,
    NumberField: NumberField,
    PixelField: PixelField,
    SelectField: SelectField,
    ColorPickerField: ColorPickerField,
    SliderField: SliderField,
    SwitchField: SwitchField,

  • ConfigPanelsMap is responsible for rendering the panels of all block Elements.

const ConfigPanelsMap: Record<string, React.FC<{ nodePath: Path }>> = {
[ElementType.PAGE]: Page,
[ElementType.STANDARD_NAVBAR]: Navbar,
[ElementType.STANDARD_BUTTON]: Button,
[ElementType.STANDARD_IMAGE]: Image,
[ElementType.STANDARD_SOCIAL]: Social,
[ElementType.STANDARD_DIVIDER]: Divider,
[ElementType.STANDARD_SPACER]: Spacer,
[ElementType.STANDARD_WRAPPER]: Wrapper,
[ElementType.STANDARD_SECTION]: Section,
[ElementType.STANDARD_COLUMN]: Column,
[ElementType.STANDARD_HERO]: Hero,
[ElementType.CONTENT_WIDGET]: Widget,
[ElementType.SECTION_WIDGET]: Widget,
[ElementType.WRAPPER_WIDGET]: Widget,

[ElementType.STANDARD_TEXT]: Text,
[ElementType.STANDARD_H1]: Text,
[ElementType.STANDARD_H2]: Text,
[ElementType.STANDARD_H3]: Text,
[ElementType.STANDARD_H4]: Text,

When you want to override a component, you just need to do the following: = xxx;
// For example:
SharedComponents.BlockSideBar = () => {
return <>111</>;
}; = xxx;
// For example:
AttributeField.TextField = () => {
return <>111</>;
}; = xxx;
// For example:
ConfigPanelsMap[ElementType.PAGE] = () => {
return <>111</>;