When editing email templates, we will use a large number of form components. In order to facilitate customization needs, our form components are shared.
This is the default internally supported form components
export const AttributeField = {
// Basic Form Field
WatchField: WatchField,
SyncChildrenField: SyncChildrenField,
TextField: TextField,
NumberField: NumberField,
PixelField: PixelField,
SelectField: SelectField,
ColorPickerField: ColorPickerField,
SliderField: SliderField,
SwitchField: SwitchField,
ButtonGroupField: ButtonGroupField,
ImageUploaderField: ImageUploaderField,
EditPanelListField: EditPanelListField,
EditPanelTabsField: EditPanelTabsField,
PixelAndPercentField: PixelAndPercentField,
// Attributes Field
Heading: Heading,
Direction: Direction,
Preheader: Preheader,
Height: Height,
Width: Width,
TextAreaField: TextAreaField,
Link: Link,
BackgroundImage: BackgroundImage,
DisplayOptions: DisplayOptions,
Columns: Columns,
BackgroundColor: BackgroundColor,
DividerLine: DividerLine,
BackgroundPosition: BackgroundPosition,
StackOnMobile: StackOnMobile,
ImageUrl: ImageUrl,
Border: Border,
ImageWidth: ImageWidth,
BorderRadius: BorderRadius,
FontFamily: FontFamily,
FontSize: FontSize,
LetterSpacing: LetterSpacing,
LineHeight: LineHeight,
TextAlign: TextAlign,
VerticalAlign: VerticalAlign,
Padding: Padding,
TextAndHeadingStyle: TextAndHeadingStyle,
FontWeight: FontWeight,
GlobalLink: GlobalLink,
Typography: Typography,
TextAndHeadingList: TextAndHeadingList,
Buttons: Buttons,
ButtonContent: ButtonContent,
ButtonCategory: ButtonCategory,
WebFonts: WebFonts,
FieldItem: FieldItem,
// update element data content
// If the modification is not an element, nodePath is not required, path={null}
When the default form components do not meet your needs, you can customize your form components
import { enhancer } from "easy-email-pro-theme";
import {
Select as ArcoSelect,
SelectProps as ArcoSelectProps,
} from "@arco-design/web-react";
import { merge } from "lodash";
import React, { useMemo } from "react";
interface SelectProps extends ArcoSelectProps {
options: Array<{ value: any; label: React.ReactNode }>;
onChange?: (val: string) => void;
value: string;
const Select = (props: SelectProps) => {
const options = useMemo(() => props.options || [], [props.options]);
return (
<ArcoSelect {...props} value={props.value} onChange={props.onChange}>
{, index) => (
<ArcoSelect.Option key={index} value={item.value}>
const SelectField = enhancer(Select);
Detailed custom Panel example is available here